
Sydneys 6th Birthday Party, July 2004

Sydney had a Harry Potter themed party. The guests had to enter thru Platform 9 and 3/4, which is a brick wall. They got sorted into houses by a sorting hat. A magician appeared and enthralled the crowd. There was a game to find the golden snitch in our house, and we had a contest to guess how many Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans were in a jar. The kid who guessed closest to the actual number got to keep the jar. It was a fun time!

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Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AA_GrandpaCarlInSortingHat Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AA1_Platform9And3QuartersDoor Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AA2_EnterHouseThruPlatformWall Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AC_SydneyBGettingSorted
Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda...
Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AD_KidsOnFloorEating Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AF_EntryTableWithBeans Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AG_MagicianBobJamesWithThimble Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AI_SydneyWithMeltedWand
Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda...
Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AK_SydneyUsesWand Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AO_SydneyUsesWandOnRope Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AP_SydneyConjuresLiveBird Sydney6thBirthdayParty_AQ_SydneyGetsBobJamesMagicKit
Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda... Sydney6thBirthda...